At Castilla, we are passionate about learning Spanish language and culture. We offer a variety of courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced, with the goal of helping our students achieve their language goals.

Friendly Company 30 Thessaloniki 54621

 +30 2310 261 241


Terms of Use

The Company - We: the Company under the name "Castilla", which is the exclusive owner of the Website and all of its content.
O User - You: any person who registers on the online platform of the Website and acquires an account to use the offered services.
Website: the Website, which, like all its content, is fully and exclusively owned by the company "Castilla".

These Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of services offered by the Company through the web platform of the Website after registration of the User and acquisition of an account.

The Company provides, through the use of the web platform of the Website, education services and in particular distance learning through synchronized tele-education to students, and asynchronous education. Details of the individual services provided can be found on the website of each.

Any interested visitor of the Website can become a user by registering and creating a personal account. In order to complete the registration, in the context of security of transactions, it is necessary to enter the email address, name, date and year of birth, mailing address, contact telephone number, if applicable: the school class or the school attended or the subject of employment, details of child(ren) or guardian(s) and details of parent(s) or guardian(s) and the registration of a personal password. In case of creation of an account by a Minor User, it is necessary to create an account also by the person having parental responsibility or guardianship in order to provide the requested services. This information remains strictly confidential. In the chapter PRIVACY, a detailed description of the processing of the aforementioned information and its purpose and the possibilities for accessing, controlling, modifying, limiting and deleting it is provided.


Submit an online order
The purchase of services is made by filling in the special Purchase Form available on the Website. The purchase of services may be made by any adult User (hereinafter referred to as "Customer"), who is interested either personally or as a parent or guardian of a minor(s) in obtaining the educational services provided through the Website.
Before submitting the order (checkout), the Customer takes note through a special link of the present terms and conditions concerning the provision of the services he wishes to acquire and then selects the activation of the relevant icon (indication) "I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions". With this marking, the Customer expressly and unconditionally declares that before placing his order he has received in a clear and comprehensible manner knowledge regarding the following:
(a) the main characteristics of the services, to the extent appropriate in relation to the medium and the services; The main characteristics of the services shall be described in detail on the description page of each service to be sold. The Customer must check each relevant characteristic before placing an order, so as to leave no doubt as to the characteristics and properties of the Services. The Company provides on the website of each service - educational material/program a description and relevant samples, in order for the Customer to check whether it is to his liking. The Company shall not be liable in case the Customer has failed to be adequately informed about the above,
b) the identity of the Company,
c) the geographical address where the Company is located, its telephone number, fax number and e-mail address,
(d) the total price of the services and any other charges,
(e) the cost of using the means of distance communication for the conclusion of the contract, where this is calculated on the basis of other than the basic tariffs,
f) the payment, performance, time limit within which the Company undertakes to provide the services,
g) the policy applied by the Company for dealing with complaints,
(h) where there is a right of withdrawal, the conditions, deadline and procedures for exercising the right, pursuant to Article 3g(1) of Law No. 2251/1994,
i) the Customer's commitment to pay the reasonable costs to the supplier in accordance with Article 3i(3) of Act No. 2251/1994, in the event that he has exercised the right of withdrawal after having made use of the possibility of article 3d paragraph 8 of the Act. 2251/1994, i.e. has requested the commencement of the provision of services during the withdrawal period,
j) where no right of withdrawal is provided, the information that the Customer will not have the right of withdrawal or, where applicable, the circumstances under which the Customer loses the right of withdrawal,
k) the existence of the Company's liability for actual defects, lack of agreed qualities and culpable failure to deliver,
l) where applicable, the existence and the terms of application of support and service services for the Customer after the conclusion of the contract,
(m) the duration of the contract, where applicable, or, if the contract is of indefinite duration or automatically renewable, the conditions for the termination of the contract,
o) where applicable, the minimum duration of the Customer's obligations under the contract,
p) where applicable, the existence and terms of deposit of money or other financial guarantees to be paid or provided by the Customer whenever the Company requests it,
(g) where applicable, the operational capabilities of the digital content, together with the technical protection measures in place,
f) where applicable, any standard interoperability of digital content with hardware and software of which the Company has knowledge or can reasonably be expected to have knowledge,
i) where applicable, the possibility of recourse to an out-of-court complaint and redress mechanism to which the Company is subject, as well as the ways of accessing it.

The sending of the order to the Company constitutes a proposal for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of the ordered services and a declaration of acceptance of all the colours described in the order. If there is no notification or acceptance, the Customer is entitled to a refund of this payment.

Confirmation of Receipt of the Electronic Order - Drawing up of the Contract

The order is not binding for the Company, before the Customer receives the confirmation of the acceptance of the order by the Company, as described below.
The order is considered received by the Company from the moment the Customer receives a relevant notification of the order status with the indication "Confirmation of Order Entry". The order status updates are displayed on the Customer's screen and are sent by email to the contact email address registered by the Customer. The order status is continuously updated as well as when changes occur during the order management. The Customer must check the "Confirmation of Order Entry" and immediately inform the Company (no later than 2 hours from the time of receipt of the electronic notification marked "Order Entry") in writing of any error, otherwise the data indicated in the "Confirmation of Order Entry" will be applied to the contract.
During the processing of each registered order, the availability of the necessary means and infrastructure for the execution of the order is confirmed in order to ascertain the feasibility of the contract and the subsequent provision of the services as provided for. In particular, the Company and if it determines the availability of the above and the lack of any errors in the online store regarding the pricing or price of services, their characteristics, etc. by email will confirm the acceptance of the order. In the aforementioned email, the content of the order, the total price, and information on the next steps to be taken in order for the Customer to have access to the services purchased will be explicitly confirmed. The order shall be considered binding and the contract shall be deemed to have been concluded and shall create claims of the parties (Customer - Company) only upon sending and receiving the above e-mail with the indication/topic "Your order has been completed".
The status of the order is constantly updated, as well as when changes occur during the management of the Customer's order. The Customer is obliged to check the status of the order and to immediately inform the Company in writing of any error in the order, otherwise the details stated in the Confirmation of receipt of the order will be applied to the sales contract.

The Customer also has the possibility to be informed about the progress of his order, either by telephone or by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address:
Limitations of Liability

In the context of good faith and business ethics, the Company is not obliged to accept an order and conclude a contract, which due to a typographical or computer error, appear in the online store with an incorrect price, i.e. lower or higher than the current price for the period in question.
In case of incorrect provision of services not ordered, the unconditional use of these services or the failure to inform the Company cannot be considered as consent, acceptance or declaration of will to enter into a contract for the provision of these services. In the event that the Company is requested by the Company to cease using such services and the Customer fails to do so for a period of more than seven (7) calendar days, then such failure shall constitute a declaration of willingness to purchase the services, the order shall be deemed to have been confirmed and the contract shall be deemed to have been concluded and the Customer shall pay the value thereof.

The Customer shall prepay the price of the purchase of services either by bank transfer to the Company's accounts (IBAN: Eurobank GR1902600370000000030201178308, National Bank GR0601102230000022300529066 and Vivawallet GR827010000000000000000372818568185 BIC / SWIFT : VPAYGRAA) or by using a credit or debit card through the relevant payment platform of the Website.

The Customer may withdraw from the contract simply because he/she has changed his/her mind, within fourteen (14) days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The Customer may contact the Company's Customer Service Department, either by telephone (tel: 2310261241) or by sending an e-mail (e-mail to: In particular, the Customer has the above right to withdraw from the contract without stating the reasons, subject to the following terms and conditions:
(a) Within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of conclusion of the service contract, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract (hereinafter "Withdrawal").
(b) The withdrawal is unjustified
(c) The notice of withdrawal shall be exercised in writing by completing the relevant form and sending it a) either to the postal address of the Friendly Society 30 b) or to or electronically via the relevant link and the Society is obliged to acknowledge in writing receipt of the notice of withdrawal upon receipt.
(d) Following the withdrawal declaration, the Company is obliged to refund to the Customer the balance of the purchased plan that he/she will not use.
In case of cancellation on the part of the school, this will be done before the start of the course and the full amount will be paid to the student upon return.
In case of cancellation / withdrawal on the part of the student, the refund will be made
- at 100% if informed up to 2 weeks before the start of the course.
- to 50% if he breaks his studies up to the middle of the school year.
- on 10% if it is interrupted after the middle of this.
In the case of billing the Customer via credit card, the Company, if it has received the price from the Bank, will be obliged to inform the Bank of the cancellation of the transaction and the Bank will take any action provided for. Following such notification, the Company shall have no responsibility for the time and manner of execution of the counter-billing, which shall be governed by the contract entered into between the issuing bank and the Customer.
(e) The refund of the price due to withdrawal to the Customer will be made no later than within fourteen (14) working days from the time the Company has been demonstrably informed of the withdrawal.
(g) If the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal after having requested the start of the provision of services during the withdrawal period, he/she must pay to the Company, compared to the full coverage of the contract, an amount proportional to the services provided until the declaration of withdrawal. The Customer shall be liable to indemnify the Company if it has made use other than that which is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and operation of the services in the period up to the declaration of withdrawal, and the Company shall be entitled to agree with the Customer on its indemnification even by mutual set-off. If the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal any associated contracts shall automatically terminate, at no cost to the Customer.
Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal under par. 7
The right of withdrawal under article 3e of Law No. 2251/1994 does not apply in this case:
In the case of supplying digital content not provided on a physical medium, if the performance started with the prior express consent of the Customer and the confirmation by the Customer that he/she loses his/her right of withdrawal.


In the event of the Company's liability due to default or inability to deliver, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code (335 et seq.)
Force majeure: The Company is not liable for delays in the execution of the order due to circumstances that cannot be attributed to the Company's fault or due to force majeure and therefore the Company is entitled to an extension of time for execution. Indicative examples may include strikes, cyber attacks, long power outages, acts of terrorism, war, supplier/transportation/production problems, exchange rate fluctuations, governmental or legislative acts and natural disasters. If such incidents last for more than two (2) months, the sales contract may be terminated by either party without compensation. If the Customer deems that it no longer has an interest in the execution of the order, it shall be entitled to terminate the sales contract and the Company shall be obliged to refund the price and any other amount paid under the sales contract.
In any case that the Customer finds a deficiency in the provision of services or has a relevant complaint, he/she has the opportunity to contact the Company any working day during the duration of the contract at 2310261241 or at the email The Company expressly reserves the right to diagnose deficiencies or defects in advance.

The duration of the service contract is the same as the planned period of provision of the service in question, as presented on the description page of each service/training programme.
Contracts via the e-shop are governed by European and Greek law, in particular by the legislation regulating issues relating to the preparation of contracts at a distance. Similarly, the Website has been created and is controlled by the Company and Greek Law governs its use and the interpretation of the relevant terms. If the User chooses to access the Website from another country, it is the User's responsibility to follow the Laws of that country.
For the resolution of any dispute arising from the contractual relationship between the Company and the Customer, an effort will be made to reach an amicable settlement through negotiations. In the event of failure, the competent courts of Thessaloniki are responsible for its resolution. For the extrajudicial resolution of the dispute, the Customer may address the competent bodies for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, e.g. the General Secretariat of Consumer Affairs of the Ministry of Economy (Pl. Kanigos, 10181, Athens,, tel.:1520, fax:2103843549), the Consumer Advocate (, 144 Alexandras Street, 114 71, Athens, tel.:2106460734, fax:2106460414), the Consumer Dispute Resolution Committees (Article 11 of Law 2251/1994) located in the local municipalities of the country.
In accordance with Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated into Greek legislation by means of Directive 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes through the Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure is now provided for throughout the European Union. If the Customer has a problem with a purchase made from the Online Shop and resides in the EU, he/she can use this website for out-of-court settlement of the dispute. The certified Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body for this purpose is: European Customer Centre Greece (ECC GREECE), Λεωφ. European ECC Greece is the European Commission for Greece (ECEC Greece), 144 Alexandras Street, 11 471, Athens, +30 2106460284 +30 2106460784 2106460784 The Customer may contact the above mentioned body in order to guide him/her throughout the whole procedure of submission and handling of his/her complaint.
The protection afforded by the provisions of the Distance Contracts Act, as well as the present terms, is emphasised that it applies only to transactions with natural persons who are dealing for reasons that do not fall within the scope of their commercial, craft, business or liberal professional activity.
If any part of the contract of sale under these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court decision, the remainder of the contract will continue in force. The Company may enter into an agreement to delegate its obligations to a suitable third party. Otherwise, the Customer will not be entitled to assign or transfer its rights or obligations.
All notifications must be made in writing (by hand, e-mail, fax or letter by first class post or courier, which will be deemed to have been delivered 48 hours after posting).
These terms have the status of information under article 3b of Law 2251/1994.
By activating the relevant icon (indicator) "I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions", the Customer declares that he/she is an adult and has full legal capacity.
The Customer is aware that he/she loses the right of withdrawal after the acquisition of the digital content services by the Company and provides his/her consent by selecting the activation of the relevant icon (indicator) "I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions".
The Customer requests the start during the withdrawal period of the provision of services by selecting the activation of the relevant icon (indication) "I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions".

Model Withdrawal Request
(fill in according to the instructions of Section A' of the Annex of KYA YA Z1-891/2013 (Government Gazette B 2144/30.8.2013) and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
- To [the supplier must indicate here its name, its geographical address and, if available, its fax number and e-mail address]
- I/We hereby declare (*) that I/we (*) withdraw (*) from my/our (*) contract for the sale of the following goods (*)/provision of the following service (*)
- Ordered on (*)/received on (*)
- Name of Customer(s)
- Address of Customer(s)
- Customer(s) signature (only if this form is communicated on paper)
- Date

(*) Delete the unnecessary indication.