At Castilla, we are passionate about learning Spanish language and culture. We offer a variety of courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced, with the goal of helping our students achieve their language goals.

Friendly Company 30 Thessaloniki 54621

 +30 2310 261 241



Our tutorials prepare students for all levels of both the DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera - Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language) and the National Certificate of Attainment (KPC) of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.

DELE Spanish as a Foreign Language Diplomas are internationally recognised official qualifications awarded by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Holding the DELE diploma with international recognition and unlimited duration gives you a useful advantage on an academic, professional and personal level. These diplomas are recognised by official Spanish and international bodies. Many universities require the B2 diploma for postgraduate studies.

More information and a brochure about the D.E.L.E. exams:

The 6 degrees can be found on the official Cervantes website

Examination models




Establishment of the CAP

The State Certificate of Attainment in Languages (CSL) was established by Law 2740/99 (Government Gazette 186-A) and in 2002 the Ministry of Education entrusted the design of the overall system of examinations and certification of language proficiency to a seven-member Central Examination Committee (CEC) of academics specialised in the science of foreign language education.
The relevant legislation provides that Greek citizens or expatriates, citizens of the European Union or foreigners who live, study and work in Greece or outside Greece are entitled to take the exams. A prerequisite for participation is a basic knowledge of Greek.

The evaluation system for the CSF and the development of "themes"

The development of the assessment system and the development of the language assessment instruments was entrusted from the outset to the two largest universities in Greece, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA) and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), which have Departments of Foreign Languages and Literatures and treat the sciences that support education in the six languages tested for the purpose of awarding the KPG, which bears the seal of the Ministry of Education.
The examination system adopted the principles of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and the language project teams in the Departments of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the two universities produced, after research work, detailed descriptors of comprehension and production of written and spoken language, as well as written and oral mediation skills, based on the Council of Europe's six-point language proficiency scale. The descriptors, which were developed gradually, were approved by the JRC, as were the common specifications for the six language examinations produced by the university teams.
The assessment system for the CQF tests or more correctly "measures" the degree or level of language proficiency of the examinees and more specifically the ability of the candidates to understand written and spoken language, to speak and write, but also to act as a mediator, transferring information from Greek to the foreign language. It also measures the degree of awareness that candidates have of how (in what way and by what means) the language in which they are tested is used in a variety of social and discourse contexts.

The examination for certification in each of the six levels of language proficiency in each of the languages of the CCG consists of 4 modules:

  • Module 1: Written comprehension and language awareness
  • Unit 2: Written production (from level B1) and written mediation
  • Unit 3: Listening to spoken language
  • Unit 4: Oral production (from level B1) and oral mediation

All of the old CPG exam topics can be found below:

B level (B1 and B2 graded)

C level (C1 and C2 graded)