At Castilla, we are passionate about learning Spanish language and culture. We offer a variety of courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced, with the goal of helping our students achieve their language goals.

Friendly Company 30 Thessaloniki 54621

 +30 2310 261 241


Examinations - Results


The 6 degrees can be found on the official Cervantes website

Levels of Degrees

How to register

Examination models



Announcements on the official website of the KIC of the Ministry of Education

All of the old CPG exam topics can be found below:



International Spanish Language Evaluation Service (SIELE)

SIELE certifies the knowledge of Spanish and is aimed at young people and adults who are learning Spanish as a foreign, second or even native language.
It was created and is supported by the Instituto Cervantes Instituto Cervantes (IC), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), the University of Salamanca (USAL) and the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), thus ensuring the dynamic presence of the linguistic diversity of Spanish.
The candidate can either choose to take the whole exam or some of its parts if he/she wishes to certify some language skills. Registration and the test are done online and the candidate can choose the date and time of the test.
The results are sent no later than three weeks later and the candidate through the online application can print his/her certificate or score which are valid for five years.

More information about SIELE

Similarities and differences between DELE and SIELE

The DELE Spanish Diplomas and the International Spanish Language Evaluation Service (SIELE) are two complementary examination services offered by the Instituto Cervantes to meet the needs of those interested. Both qualifications are internationally recognised and the prestige of the institutions that support them is a guarantee of quality and good conduct.
DELEs are qualifications awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training with indefinite validity dating back to 1989. They offer examinations from A1 to C2 level of the MCER (European Framework of Reference for Languages). Candidates must decide in advance the level in the exam for which they wish to sit the exam.
The results are announced within about three months and candidates can access them through the DELE Spanish Diplomas website and, through their personal profile, they can print the official certificate of success. Successful candidates will then receive the official Spanish language diploma issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and printed by the Spanish National Printing House.
SIELE certifies the level of Spanish language proficiency and is aimed at adolescents and adults who have Spanish as a foreign or second language, or even as their mother tongue. It was created in 2016 with the support of the Instituto Cervantes (IC), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), the University of Salamanca (USAL) and the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), thus ensuring the dynamic presence of the linguistic diversity of Spanish. The candidate can either choose to take all four modules that make up the whole exam (CL, CA,EIE, EIO) or any of its parts if he/she wishes to certify some skills in the language.
The SIELE examinations and its administration are entirely electronic. The result is sent after three weeks at the latest and the candidate can print his/her certificate or score through the online application.
The table below lists the differences between the DELE Spanish diplomas and the International Spanish Language Evaluation Service (SIELE):

Differences between DELE and SIELE
DescriptionDiploma in Spanish at MCER (European Framework of Reference for Languages) level: (A1 - C2)Instituto Cervantes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), University of Salamanca (USAL), University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
Competent bodyMinistry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain. Since 1992 the Instituto Cervantes has been responsible for the academic, financial and administrative management.Instituto Cervantes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), University of Salamanca (USAL), University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
Launch of certification management19892016
Source :SpainSpain, Mexico and Argentina
PowerIndefiniteFive years
International recognitionInternational recognition by educational systems of countries (e.g. Brazil, France, Italy), institutions, companies, universities, etc. In Spain: Spanish nationality, MIR (medical speciality), FIR (pharmacist's licence)International recognition for SIELE higher and higher education institutions
Responsible for administrative and financial managementInstituto Cervantes
Technological and commercial company by assignment: Telefónica Educación Digital
RecipientsTo those who have Spanish as a foreign or second language, students, young people and adultsTo those who have Spanish as a foreign, second or mother tongue, young people and adults
Method of administrative management/processingThe examinations are conducted in attendance at specific international examination periods and at a specific examination centreThe examinations are done electronically, on a computer and by appointment. Progressively some CL and CA tests will be adaptable
Network of examination centresMore than a thousand test centres in over a hundred countries on all five continentsToday the network consists of more than 700 test centres around the world. More centres are being added, so we recommend that you visit
Integration of the different varieties of SpanishYes, especially after B1Yes, obligatory and in the whole test from the beginning of its creation
Compliance with international certification standardsYesYes
Number of competitions and levelsSix tests for adults (A1-C2) For children up to 17 years old: A1 escolar and A2/B1 EscolarAn adult test which includes all tests from level A1 to C1
Parts of the testText Comprehension Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension Written Production and Interaction Oral Production and InteractionText Comprehension Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension Written Production and Interaction Oral Production and Interaction
Information about the resultsSuccessful or Unsuccessful, a marking relating to performance at the level for which the candidate has been examinedScore on a scale of one thousand points corresponding to the levels of the European Framework of Reference for Languages
Type of certificateCertificate of success in electronic form with official validity and official Diploma to the successful candidatesCertificate (for the whole test) and Attestation (only for parts of the test, depending on the mode and type of test chosen by the candidate).
Deadline for the announcement of resultsIn about three monthsWithin three weeks at the latest