At Castilla, we are passionate about learning Spanish language and culture. We offer a variety of courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced, with the goal of helping our students achieve their language goals.

Friendly Company 30 Thessaloniki 54621

 +30 2310 261 241



According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, all European languages are divided into the following six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

What is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages?

It offers a common basis for teaching and organising material in textbooks or exams across Europe. The CommonEuropeanFramework is the basis for the design of language proficiency levels, the organisation of teaching materials for each level and, in general, the purpose and objectives of teaching each European language taught as a foreign language.

It describes in an understandable way what the learner needs to learn in order to communicate in a foreign language and what skills will help him/her to cope with any situation, whether oral or written. It also describes the cultural environment of which the language is a part.

With the CommonEuropeanFramework, each student's knowledge can be easily assessed and their progress in learning any foreign language beyond the educational system of the country in which it is spoken as a mother tongue can be determined.

What is required for each level of Spanish language teaching?


Level A1

Can understand and use everyday expressions that are familiar to him/her and very basic phrases aimed at satisfying specific needs. Can introduce himself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he lives, people he knows and things he owns. Can interact in a simple manner provided the person he/she speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

Oral discourse:

The student understands basic instructions or participates in simple conversations about everyday topics.

Written comprehension:

The student understands simple news, instructions or necessary information.

Production of written language:

The student is able to fill in simple forms and take notes on timetables, dates and places.

Level A2

Can understand frequently used sentences and expressions related to directly related areas (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, work). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a direct and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and issues of immediate need.

Oral discourse:

The learner is able to express opinions or wishes in a simple way in a friendly communication context.

Written comprehension:

The learner understands simple information related to familiar areas: e.g. consumer products, signs, books or short stories about familiar topics.

Production of written language:

The student is able to fill in forms and write simple letters or cards with personal information.


Level B1

Can understand the main points presented to him/her clearly and without deviating from the common language type and which
relate to issues that are regularly encountered at work, school, leisure, etc. It can handle situations that are
likely to occur during a trip to an area where the language is spoken. It can produce simple text relevant to
on matters that he knows or that concern him personally. He or she can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and give concise reasons and explanations for his or her opinions and plans.

Oral discourse:

The student can express in a very simple way opinions on cultural or abstract issues, or give advice on personal matters. Understands instructions or advertisements.

Written comprehension:

The student understands articles about everyday life, as well as the general meaning of information about everyday life and personal and family life.

Production of written language:

The student can write letters or take notes on familiar or predictable topics.

Level B2

Can understand the main ideas of a complex text, both concrete and abstract, including discussions of technical issues in his/her field of specialisation. Can converse with a degree of ease and spontaneity which makes it possible to communicate normally with native speakers of the language without any burden on either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on a central issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

Oral discourse:

The student can start or join a discussion on a familiar topic, or support a discussion around a variety of topics.

Written comprehension:

The learner is able to read a text quickly in order to look for information and understand instructions or advice.

Production of written language:

The student can take notes while someone is talking, or write a letter that includes sophisticated information.


Level C1

Can understand a wide range of demanding, long texts and recognise implied meanings. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without often appearing to be searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex topics, demonstrating controlled use of organisational schemes, connectors and devices

Oral discourse:

The learner can actively participate in meetings and seminars related to his/her work or join in a friendly conversation fluently, even when he/she needs to discuss unfamiliar topics.

Written comprehension:

The student reads fast enough to follow a university course. He may read newspaper and magazine articles or understand a little more specialized correspondence.

Production of written language:

The student is able to prepare a professional portfolio, take accurate notes during meetings or write a short essay, which shows communication skills.

Level C2

He can easily understand almost everything he hears or reads. Can summarise information from different oral or written sources, synthesising arguments and descriptions into a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, with great ease and accuracy, distinguishing subtle semantic nuances even in particularly complex situations.

Oral discourse:

The learner is able to give advice or talk about complex and specialised topics, understand any conversation and confidently handle problematic issues.

Written comprehension:

The student understands documents of all kinds, correspondence, any text in general, even if the meaning is very complicated.

Production of written language:

The student can write letters on any subject and take detailed notes during meetings or speeches, accurately and clearly.