At Castilla, we are passionate about learning Spanish language and culture. We offer a variety of courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced, with the goal of helping our students achieve their language goals.

Friendly Company 30 Thessaloniki 54621

 +30 2310 261 241


Why come to us

Experience and Specialisation

We are the only Spanish Language Center specialized in this language since 1988 in the heart of Thessaloniki.

Our long experience in the field of learning Spanish allows us to offer high quality training. Since 1988, we have helped thousands of students to achieve their language goals and obtain recognized degrees. We are proud of our track record and the successes of our students.

A Big Spanish Family

You become part of a big Spanish family because, among other things, CASTILLA was founded by a Spanish-speaking family in which the only language of communication is Spanish.

Culture and language are integral parts of our everyday life in Castilla. When you join our school, you join a vibrant community where Spanish is ubiquitous. Our students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Spanish-speaking culture and practice Spanish in real-life situations.

Spanish Fiesta and Cultural Events

Every year we organize a Spanish Fiesta with Sangría and food from Spain and Latin America.

Every year, our big Fiesta brings together students, teachers and friends to celebrate Spanish culture with traditional food, drinks and music. These events offer a unique opportunity to socialize and practice the language in a fun and authentic environment.

Exclusive Spanish Teaching

We teach exclusively the Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture.

At Castilla, we focus exclusively on teaching Spanish language and culture. Our specialization in this area means that we can provide the best possible education, using modern teaching methods and materials designed to meet all of our students' needs.

High Success Rates

Success in Degrees is above 90%.

Our success rates speak for themselves. With over 90% success in degrees, our students are extremely well prepared for the exam. Our experience and expertise ensure that you receive the best possible preparation for your exams.

Happy and Friendly Staff

All our staff are very happy and friendly with a zest for a fun lesson!

Learning is most effective when it is fun. Our friendly and enthusiastic staff create a pleasant learning environment where students feel comfortable and enjoy the learning process.

Specialised Professors

All teachers are Spanish-speaking and literary scholars with many years of experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Our teachers are all Spanish-speaking with specialization in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Their experience and training ensure that you will receive high quality instruction and improve your language skills quickly and effectively.

Flexible Sections

Morning, lunch, afternoon, afternoon and evening classes and small groups.

We offer flexible course schedules to meet the needs of all our students. Whether you prefer morning, lunch, afternoon or evening classes, we have the right choice for you. Our small classes ensure that each student receives the personal attention they need.

Educational Trips

There is the possibility of a study trip to Spain every April.

Every April, we organise educational trips to Spain, offering our students the opportunity to practice the language and experience Spanish culture first hand. These trips are an unforgettable experience that combines learning and fun.

Cooperation with Instituto Cervantes and the Ministry of Education

We cooperate with the Instituto Cervantes and the Ministry of Education as examiners for the Degrees.

Our partnership with Instituto Cervantes and the Ministry of Education as official examiners ensures that your training is recognised and accredited. This adds extra value to the degrees you will obtain through our tutoring.

Wide Range of Departments at Affordable Prices

You have a wide range of parts to suit your needs at affordable prices.

We offer a wide variety of classes to meet all the needs of our students, from beginners to advanced. Our prices are affordable, offering excellent value for the investment in your education.

Demonstrated by the enthusiasm of our students

Proof of all this: the enthusiasm of our students.

The testimonials and reviews of our students prove the quality of the education we offer. Come and join the Castilla family and see for yourself why we are the leading
Spanish learning center in Thessaloniki.