At Castilla, we are passionate about learning Spanish language and culture. We offer a variety of courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced, with the goal of helping our students achieve their language goals.

Friendly Company 30 Thessaloniki 54621

 +30 2310 261 241


Beyond the courses

At the Castilla Spanish Centre, learning doesn't stop in the classroom. We offer a range of extra activities and facilities that enhance the education and make the learning experience more complete and fun. See what we can offer beyond the classes:

Access to e-class

You will be able to enter the e-class with the code you will receive with your registration.
Our e-class is a platform that allows students to access course materials, notes, assignments and practice exercises from wherever they are. With your personal password, you can log in and take advantage of the rich educational resources we offer.

Plenty of Material for Further Practice

Plenty of material for further practice, either working on your own premises or in one of our classrooms.
We believe that practice is the key to success in learning a language. That's why we provide a wealth of materials, including exercise books, digital resources and interactive activities. Our students can practice either from the comfort of their own homes or in our equipped classrooms with the support of our teachers.

Free Access to the Lending Library

Free access to our lending library with books of all levels and all genres (literary, historical, poetry and drama).
Our library is a treasure trove of knowledge and culture. We have books for all levels of language learning, as well as literary, historical, poetic and theatrical works. Our students have the opportunity to borrow books for free, expand their knowledge and immerse themselves in Spanish-speaking culture.

Student Exchange Programmes

Organization of exchange programs for Spanish students of Greek Language and Greek students of Spanish Language during the summer!
Every summer, we organise student exchange programmes that offer unique experiences and opportunities. Our Greek students have the opportunity to travel to Spain, live with Spanish families and practice the language in real-life situations. At the same time, we host Spanish students learning Greek, creating an international community of learning and friendship.

Theatrical Performances and Group Works

Plenty of hours of laughter and fun with theatre and group projects!
Theatre and group work are an integral part of our educational approach. Through fun theatre performances, our students have the opportunity to improve their language skills and develop their confidence. Group work promotes collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.

Educational Excursions and Cultural Visits

Educational excursions and cultural visits to museums, exhibitions and other cultural centres.
We regularly organise educational excursions and cultural visits that enrich the educational experience of our students. These activities help students gain a better understanding of the history, art and culture of Spanish-speaking countries.

Seminars and Workshops

Seminars and workshops on topics ranging from literature and history to gastronomy and music.
The seminars and workshops we offer cover a wide range of topics and are designed to meet the interests of all our students. From cooking classes and Spanish food tasting to Spanish music and dance workshops, our students have the opportunity to experience Spanish culture in all ways.

Discussion and Speaking Clubs

Discussion and conversation clubs where students can practice the language in a relaxed and friendly environment.
Our discussion clubs are an excellent opportunity for our students to practice their Spanish in a comfortable and friendly environment. Through discussions on various topics, our students improve their oral expression and become more comfortable in using the language.

Competitions and Awards

Competitions and prizes that encourage students to strive for the best.
We organise competitions in various categories, such as writing, reading and pronunciation, to encourage our students to constantly strive for the best. Winners are awarded with praise and various prizes, thus creating an incentive for continuous improvement.

Support and Counselling

Support and advice for our students on learning, testing and careers issues.
Supporting our students is our priority. We provide counselling on learning, exam preparation and career guidance. We are here to help you every step of your educational journey.

Secretariat-information hours: Weekdays: 10:00-15:00 and 17:00-21:00 Saturday: 10:00-12:00 or by appointment.
Phone: 2310 261241 mobile: 6972000565